Carriers vs. Job following your passion

Here everyone is battling for our dreams in today’s environment. Everybody wants to succeed and have financial security so that they could do what brings them happy and content rather than living someone else’s concept of how things should be done or being stuck in one job till retirement because there aren’t many other options.

Everybody has desire, however when it comes to determining which road will lead to success, many people fail… Having your “inner calling” forgotten will have a significant impact on your life.

The secret to a happy, healthy, and fulfilled life is to follow your passion and work on something you enjoy. A person’s true passion may be lost if he or she becomes focused with money-related areas of life.

Passion is a word that is frequently used, yet few people seem to comprehend what it means. When it comes to recognising when others are enthusiastic, instinct can help, as can being aware of your own emotions—after all, they are indeed a part of the human experience!

Whenever it comes to picking a job choice, the advise to “follow thy passion” is extremely popular. Reality is, it can be a little deceiving, at least according to study. You are a fortunate fellow if you really have dreamed of becoming a medical, scientist, or writer since infancy and have continued to pursue your desire until you have a career. Even better, someone who has worked tirelessly to realise his or her passion is unquestionably a hard worker.

Is it more important to be realistic or to pursue your dreams?

Given the variety of profession options available, selecting the ideal one that best matches our abilities can be challenging. The debate over whether to follow your heart and focus on your passions or to be pragmatic and base your decision on wage possibilities is never-ending.

Those who can strike a balance between the two and choose the best employment are fortunate. This isn’t always the situation, though.

Something to keep in mind is that pragmatic and interests are not always mutually exclusive. If you’ve always wanted to be an actress and looked up to someone famous in the field as a role model, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to do so. Of course, it takes time, work, and luck, but if you’re not endowed with amazing looks or your family is in desperate need of money, you might want to consider another choice.

Taking on the challenge

If you choose a job path based on the needs of the moment or assumptions from your family or society, you are merely setting yourself up for dissatisfaction or “mid-career crises.”

At the very same time, nobody can really deny that following one’s desire can be a little risky at times, particularly if the choice is one which requires time, luck, and lacks the necessary security. When you need to make a contingency plan in the future, it’s extremely likely that chasing your passion won’t help you. 

Taking my work seriously

Money is undeniably a significant and essential component of life. The current generation is in a bit of a pickle because most of us lack proper decision-making abilities. Furthermore, due to a severe scarcity of suitable positions, the job market is characterised by fierce competition. As a result, many people are forced to work odd jobs in order to make ends meet, rather than trying their luck and believing in themselves to see brighter days.

Part-time work that allows them to accomplish what they are good at is an option for those who believe they have been forced to pursue a professional path that does not provide them with enough happiness. Putting up with their passions during their free time and combining it during their day employment achieves two goals: creativity fulfilment and additional revenue.

Money vs. Experience: Which is More Important?

Money is the fundamental difference between the two (career and employment). Having a job implies that you are working mindlessly for the sole purpose of earning money. The pay check you’ll have at the end of the month is your motive for performing every day. Your current position has no bearing on the overall picture. But at the other hand, a career is a collection of positions that complement your previous experience in a specific industry. It follows a hierarchy, in which each job you accept adds to a greater objective you’ve set for yourself. 

Risk vs. Security:  

Working in a contact centre or at a neighbouring department store not only provides you with steady cash flow, but it also provides you with security. You know you’ll have enough money to eat at the finish of the day. On the other hand, sticking to a specific career path can be risky at times. You could earn non-monetary relevant experience in your field but not be able to benefit financially. Following your dreams necessitates taking some wild chances, which is not the case when working in some kind of a coffee shop.

Generalized vs. specialised:

Developing a career implies that you really should have specialised training or experience in a specific industry. You don’t need special abilities for a random employment so because goal is money rather than experience or a specific purpose.

Unsatisfying vs. Fulfilling

A good pay check can be a powerful motivator, but it can also be unfulfilling. Following your passion may be less financially rewarding, but it is still rewarding. Working long hours does not make you tired or bored. When you appreciate what you do, getting up in the morning and going to work is not a chore. Working in a store or brewing coffee, on the other hand, may not seem worthwhile, and you may feel tempted to quit every day since you are unsure why you have been doing this job.


Small Duration vs. Long Duration

Having a job prevents a person from thinking beyond his or her everyday responsibilities. He doesn’t have to consider how his current work will affect his future. Working on a daily basis necessitates a basic minimum level of performance, whereas pursuing a profession necessitates a lifelong fight. People who build careers and pursue their passions have a more positive attitude on life. They approach their profession with the understanding that what they do today will have an impact on their future. This cause-and-effect relationship aids them in achieving their objectives. They live lives that are concentrated and goal-oriented.

Making a decisive decision

Follow your emotions, but keep the money in mind. Here are a few reasons why listening to one’s heart is always the best option.

  • The element of incentive is always present.
  • It isn’t just some unusual job you seem to be doing.
  • Working professions take up a large portion of our life, so make the most of it.
  • A desire to go over even beyond the norm of duty exists..
  • The impact of working late is minimal.
  • When you enjoy what you can do, success is unavoidable.
  • Wealth isn’t even the most crucial factor to think about.
  • There is an immediate sense of connection and job fulfilment.

Now you understand why it is stated, “Follow your dreams, but don’t neglect your brain.”