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Introduction to Eco-Tourism

All around the globe, ecotourism has been heralded as a panacea: a method to fund conservation and scientific study, assist rural populations, encourage investment in poor nations, and improve culture and please and teach the discerning tourist, instil environmental consciousness and a sense of social responsibility in the tourism industry, and, in some situations, satisfy and educate the discerning tourist

Ecotourism is a style of tourism that tries to have a minimal impact on the environment, is eco-friendly, and avoids the negative implications of many large-scale tourism initiatives in formerly remote regions.

The Origins of Ecotourism

Although the origins of the term “ecotourism” are unknown, Hetzer (1965) appears to be one of the first to use it, identifying four “pillars” or principles of responsible tourism: minimizing environmental consequences, appreciation for host cultures, maximization of local benefits, and maximization of tourist satisfaction are all factors to consider. The first of them was seen to be the most distinguishing feature of ecotourism.

Miller’s (1978) research on wilds area design for more productive labour in Central America, and also material issued by Environment, contains other initial references to ecotourism, Canada in relation to a set of street “ecotours” they created again from mid-1979s to the early 1980s.

Ecotourism sprung from the womb of the environmental movement in the 1970s and 1980s. Growing environmental concerns, alongside dissatisfaction with mass tourism, resulted in an increase in want for different outdoor activities.

At the same time, developing countries came to recognize that nature-based tourism may be a source of foreign cash while also being a less resource-intensive alternative to forestry and agriculture.

Through the mid-1980s, some of these countries had recognized ecotourism as a way of accomplishing both protection and conservation goals.

 Ceballos Lascurain is widely credited with coining the term “ecotourism” in 1987.

Ecotourism’s Definitions

“Beginning to understand, praise, and increase the majesty of surroundings and live animals, truly understanding, appreciating, and eager to enjoy the amazing natural creatures, As well as its wilderness, as any existing social and cultural manifestation.” (both past and contemporary) found in these areas,” Ceballos-Lascu rains.

As per the Ecotourism Association, ecotourism is defined as “responsible tourism to ecological regions that conserves the environment while benefiting local people.”

This definition emphasizes that now the word “natural environment” encompasses cultural elements, and that “ecologically sustainable” refers to a fair return to the local people as well as long-term resource conservation.

Ecotourism is a sort of eco-responsible tourism that emphasizes natural and social sensitivity.

Ecotourism’s Characteristics

In actual terms, tourism is expected to grow at the rate of 4.3 percent each year from 2008 and 2017. Ecotourism, also referred to as ecological tourism, is the tourism sector’s extremely fast component, rising quicker than the total industry.

There can be little doubt that rising environmental concerns, along with the historically common habit of travel as a means of escape to nature, are encouraging people to seek isolation from nature, resulting in an increase in the number of visitors to public parks and recreational places.

Nature-based tourism encompasses a variety of aspects. However not all forms of traveling to natural areas are always ecotourism, this is a significant step in distinguishing environment tourism from ecotourism and gives us a dynamic range to work with at which to differentiate the link between certain tourism activities and nature:

  • Those activities or experiences that are reliant on nature. 
  • The actions or experiences which are enhanced by nature.

There are several types of nature-based tourism, each of which includes a combination of these characteristics. For example, bird-watching might make for a nice and relaxing vacation if you have a general interest in wildlife and the environment. As a result, carrying out just the activity would be difficult without the natural environment.

Camping, like many other activities and experiences, is usually enhanced by nature. Instead of camping alongside a busy highway, many individuals prefer to camp in the woods. As a result, while nature plays a role in these encounters, this is not the driving factor underlying it.

Ecotourism Principles and Guidelines

People who would like to adapt to its environment and, to varying degrees, enhance their knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of it are drawn to ecotourism. The Ecotourism Society outlines ecotourism’s concepts and guidelines. 

These would be as follows:

  • Before leaving, educate travellers on how to reduce their negative influence while visiting vulnerable environments and cultures.
  • Prepare the visitor for each interaction involving native animals and flora as well as local traditions.
  • Reduce visitors’ environmental impact by providing literature, briefings, leading by 

   example, and taking corrective action

  • Reduce the cultural impact of travellers by providing literature, briefings, and leading by 

  example, as well as taking corrective action

  • Use proper leadership and keep groups small enough to ensure a little impact on the destination. Avoid sites that are over and under-managed.
  • Ensure that all management, employees, and contract workers are aware of and engage in all parts of corporate policy in order to avoid negative effects on the environment and native customs.
  • Provide managers, staff, and contact employees with access to training programs that will improve their capacity to communicate with and manage clients in natural and culturally sensitive environments.
  • Help to preserve the environment in the area you’re visiting.
  • Offer local, sustainable work in all aspects of the business.
  • Provide environmentally conscious lodgings that do not squander local resources or harm the environment, as well as abundant opportunities for environmental education and sensitive interaction with local populations.
  • Emphasizes first-hand encounters with natural environments that lead to deeper understanding and enjoyment.


Ecotourism’s Characteristics

Ecotourism involves reduced and (typically) small-scale travel to fragile, pristine, and usually protected environments. It aids in traveller education, offers cash for conservation, directly supports local areas’ economic development and political representation, and develops respect for diverse cultures and human rights.

The below are among the most important aspects of ecotourism:

1) Requires travel to a natural location. These are frequently distant locations, whether populated or unoccupied, that are subject to environmental protection on a national, international, communal, or private level.

2) Keep the effect to a minimum. Tourism has a negative impact. Ecotourism aims to reduce the negative effects of hotels, trails, as well as other facilities by utilizing recycled or readily available local building materials, renewable energy sources, trash and rubbish recycling and properly disposing of them, and ecologically and culturally sensitive architectural style.

3) Helps to raise environmental awareness. Both tourists and people of adjacent areas benefit from ecotourism. Travel companies should provide travellers with book recommendations on the area, environment, and local people well before the tour starts, and also a code of conduct for both the traveller and the industry. Ecotourism programs should also help teach members of the host country’s neighbouring communities, students, and the general public.

4) Provides direct financial incentives for environmental protection. Through a number of techniques, such as park entrance fees, tour operator, hotel, airline, and airport taxes, ecotourism helps collect cash for environmental conservation, research, and education. In addition, there are contributions made voluntarily.

5) Provides residents with financial benefits and empowerment. According to ecotourism, national parks and other conservation areas will only exist if the people who live around them are happy. The protected area and its tourist facilities must incorporate the local people and provide money and other practical advantages (potable drinking water, roads, health clinics, etc.).

6) Shows respect for the culture of the area. Ecotourism is not simply “greener” than traditional tourism, but it is also less culturally intrusive and exploitative. Whereas adultery, illegal markets, and drug use are frequently by-products of tourism activities, ecotourism aims to be traditionally respectful of a host country’s human population.

7) Supports democratic and human rights initiatives. Tourism helps to “global citizenship, peace, prosperity, and universal support for and enforcement of humanitarian law for all,” according to the World Tourism Organization, which is funded by the United Nations.

However, traditional mass tourism does not represent such sentiments. Ecotourism contributes to international human rights and humanitarian peace in this way.

Organizations that promote ecotourism

The administration or functional structures dealing with ecotourism are known as ecotourism organizations. Ecotourism groups assist in minimizing the negative effects of ecotourism while maximizing the beneficial effects. 

There are three types of businesses in this category:

  1. non-governmental organizations (NGO) membership (NGOs)


  1. Governmental or public-sector organizations


  1. Organizations that do not require membership (NGOs)

Ecotourism organizations, which can be found all over the world, play a vital role in everything from grassroots campaigning to global policymaking.


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