Facebook Pixel: A Detailed information for Digital Marketing

What is a Facebook Pixel?

Facebook pixel also known as Meta Pixel consists of a small JavaScript code that is added to your website and can improve your Facebook marketing strategy. Those who have heard of it may believe it is exclusively used to track and measure user interactions. While it is capable of using it, it is not its only feature.

This function works with your Facebook business page to assist you to expand your following, Facebook pixel tracking general or specific conversion events, and helping in ad retargeting. The information obtained from these services converts to a more specific audience to target/ad presentation and a better knowledge of how visitors engage on your website.

The Facebook pixel, once activated, permits you to:

  • Explore how Facebook ads affect conversions.
  • Ad delivery should be optimized so that you may target the most relevant audiences.
  • Remarket to those who visit your website.
  • Create lookalike Facebook audiences.
  • Your Facebook marketing strategy should be updated and optimized.

How can you create a Facebook pixel?

Perhaps it’s the best quality of the Facebook pixel? Implementation is not difficult. Creating it and installing it on your website is just a simple process.

Before building a Facebook pixel, you must first create a Facebook page and verify that your ads are properly set up. Once you are ready, proceed through the procedures below to generate your pixel code.

  • Log in to Facebook Ads Manager.
  • From the top bar menu, click ‘Tools.’
  • Choose ‘Pixels.’
  • Click on the ‘Create a Pixel’ option.
  • Provide your pixel with a unique name.
  • Click on the ‘Create pixel’ option.

Why you should use a Facebook pixel?

Unless you haven’t already noticed, the Facebook pixel is also not a one-trick pony. It is developed with a few major features in mind, but how you utilize it varies on your goals and the data you want to track. We’ll show you how effective and adaptive it can be in the next parts.

Conversion tracking

Conversion tracking helps you to analyze the specific activities that your site visitors performed on your pages. You can make use of this information by optimizing your ads for the action individuals can take or advertise specific pages on your website that they’ve previously visited. You could even include a promo code inside the ad to attract people back to your website. Conversions will be shown for evaluation in Facebook Ad Manager & Facebook Analytics dashboards.

The Facebook pixel may track conversions in three ways:

Standard Events:

Standard events are predefined activities that activate when you construct your site, such as when a visitor selects an item to their cart or wishlist, starts or completes a checkout, views material, fills out a form, and so on. They allow you to monitor the particular activity on your website.

Each standard event involves the installation of fresh code to your website; however, you can avoid this by utilizing custom conversions.

Custom Events:

Custom events are defined activities that the pixel analyzes. These events go over and above what normal events provide. Use custom events, for instance, to track visitors who clicked a particular CTA and track where they go from there. When these events are identified for the activity they belong to, it is much easier to understand user paths through the information later on. A custom event is defined as something that is not one of the standard event settings. Inbound/outbound links, for instance.

Custom Conversions:

Set up custom conversions if you want to go a tiny (or even a lot) more particular with the data you’re tracking. This type enables you to add additional rules to activities that you would otherwise be unable to do with daily events.

For Example; Track shoe sales that reach $20

Introduce a rule for your website’s shoe page.

Add another rule for such value as ’20.’

Custom conversions have the advantage of not having any more pixel code to be submitted to your website, unlike standard events. You only need the bottom pixel you made.

Custom Audience

You can use the Facebook pixel to create a specific audience for ad retargeting. The custom audience is adaptable, so you can make it simple or complicated depending on what you want to reach & whom you want to target.

You can target every website visitor or the person who visited specific web pages when creating a bespoke audience. Both choices allow users to refine their list by selecting the maximum number of days since any last visit. For example, if someone left a cart on your site and you want to target this group of people, they’re most likely to return if you visited your website two days ago instead of 90 days ago.

When you select “Target persons who visited specific pages,” you can either enter the exact URL to be tracked or use the “URL Contains” section. This section will keep track of any links that contain a specific portion of a URL. To elaborate further, if you have separate shoe pages for men & women, then can use the term “shoes” in the “URL contains” column to hold your focus on both pages.

You can also utilize “exclusions” to zero down on the particular audience you’re attempting to achieve. You can exclude particular web pages or portions of your audience who have followed particular actions.

Suppose you want to advertise to customers who have already visited your website’s online store and yet never bought anything, so you never got to the “Thank You” page that shows when a transaction has been completed. You can build a custom audience for this aim by adding visitors who went to a Web store but excluding all who went to a Thank You page.

Another instance is if you’re attempting to reach out to a huge number of people in search of new customers. In this example, you may remove those who purchased within the last 30 days, permitting only new buyers or people who haven’t bought something from your website to have over a month to see your ad.

Lookalike Audience

If you want to connect with potential new customers, you can build a “lookalike audience” depending on a portion of your existing customers. Building a lookalike audience is simple, involving only an origin group, location, & audience size.

There’s a good probability that the Lookalike Audience is interested in your brand but hasn’t been introduced to it yet. People that share your origin group’s features or interests will be included in your new lookalike audience, helping you to start targeting them.