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Global warming Causes, Effects and Solution


What really is the concept of global warming? Since 1950, the earth’s average temperature has risen, and it has continued to rise. Environmental issues that cause a rise in the average temperature are also referred to as global warming. Nevertheless, natural and human-caused global warming is thought to result in greater temperatures averaging.

Global Warming Causes

Global warming is a major problem that encompasses a number of different environmental challenges. Global warming is a rise in the global average temperature that has impacted numerous life forms. The concerns that contribute to global warming are categorized into two categories: “natural” and “human effects.”

Global Warming’s Primary Factors

For ages, the climate has been changing. The natural revolution of the sun leads to global warming by changing the intensity of sunlight and bringing it nearer to the planet.

Greenhouse gases are another contributor to global warming. Carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide are greenhouse gases that capture solar heat rays and prevent them from leaving the earth’s surface. As a result, the planet’s temperature has risen.

Volcanic activity is another component that adds to global warming, for example, will release a significant amount of carbon dioxide and ash into the atmosphere. When carbon dioxide levels rise, the earth’s temperature rises, and greenhouse gases capture radiation from the sun.

Finally, Methane traps heat in the atmosphere 20 times more effectively than carbon dioxide. Methane gas is commonly found in a variety of locations. Just a few examples include cattle, landfills, natural gas, petroleum systems, coal mining, mobile explosives, and industrial waste operations.

Human Contributions to Global Warming

Because humans do not care for the world, human influence has become a very significant concern. Humans are more responsible for global warming than natural reasons. Because of modern human lifestyles, the earth has been changing for many years and continues to do so. Industrial production, fossil fuel combustion, mining, cattle husbandry, and deforestation are all examples of human activities.

Industrialization is the first issue. Industrial machines have been powered by fossil fuels. Everything we consume is made up of fossil fuels. When we buy a mobile phone, for example, the process of creating the phone involves machines, which require fossil fuels, and carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere during the process. Aside from industry, transportation, such as cars, emits carbon dioxide through the exhaust.

Mining is another concern. Methane will be trapped beneath the earth during the mining operation. Furthermore, the release of methane in the form of manure occurs as a result of growing cattle. Cattle, on the other hand, are significant since they are equally accountable for the existence of global climate change.


Well, there’s deforestation, perhaps the most prevalent issue. Humans have been cutting down trees to make papers, wood, build houses, and other things, hence deforestation is a human influence. Because trees can absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, if human deforestation continues, carbon dioxide will accumulate in the atmosphere. Humans also emit carbon dioxide when they breathe. As a result, carbon dioxide has been released into the atmosphere by millions of individuals. If human deforestation continues, the carbon dioxide released by human respiration will remain in the atmosphere.


Global Warming’s Consequences


Since centuries ago, greenhouse gases have remained in the atmosphere for many years. On either hand, global warming will have terrible effects on the earth. A cascade of severe repercussions will emerge if global warming continues. Melting polar ice caps, economic consequences, warmer ocean and much more storms, the transmission of infection, and earthquakes are all manifestations of climate change.

The melting of the polar ice caps is the first effect. The ice at the North Pole will melt as the temperature rises. Because melting glaciers become seas, the initial effect of ice melting will be an increase in sea levels. “If the ice melted today, the seas would rise nearly 230 feet,” according to the National Snow and Ice Data Centre. Many cheap locations are impacted, like the Netherlands. Once the North Pole melts, the Netherlands will be submerged underwater. However, it will not happen quickly, and the sea level will continue to rise.

Another effect is habitat loss for certain animals. Polar bears and tropical frogs will go extinct as a result of climate change. Furthermore, because animals are not like people, some birds will migrate to other locations. They are unable to adjust to changes in their environment, such as temperature or living conditions

The next result is that more hurricanes will occur, with economic repercussions. Hurricanes destroy homes, the government was forced to spend huge amounts of money to restore the damage and forcing people to seek shelter or risk death. When a calamity strikes, many people die and illnesses spread. Illnesses are more severe because they can spread quickly to other individuals, causing more people to contract the sickness. Diseases can also become more serious when the weather changes.

Stopping Global Warming Solutions

There are now methods available to help us stop global warming. On either side, people and organizations must make real progress in adopting global warming solutions. We can mitigate global warming by limiting greenhouse gas emissions in the environment. As a result, we may be able to reduce global warming by reducing our use of gasoline, electricity, and other attributes that contribute to it.


We can choose a hybrid vehicle that uses less gasoline to save money on gas. In addition, the price of gasoline is growing. If someone travels to work every day, after three days, he or she will need to refuel, resulting in carbon dioxide emissions. Another way to cut costs on gasoline is to take public transit or commute to work. It has the ability to both reduce carbon dioxide emissions and save money.


Recycling is another strategy to prevent global warming. It is possible to reduce trash by reusing plastic bags, bottles, papers, or glass. We can have our own containers instead of plastic bags while purchasing meals, for example. Another instance is that after we’ve completed drinking water from the bottle, we can either refill it or replace it with a bottle of our own. People can assist save the environment and reduce deforestation if all of this is reused. Also, switch off the energy if it is not in use. It can reduce thousands of tonnes of CO2 and purchase energy-efficient products to save money and the environment.

Finally, burning should be prohibited, such as the burning of dry leaves or garbage. When waste is burned with plastic, carbon dioxide and hazardous gases are released. Furthermore, because global temperatures are rising, the government should minimize deforestation. Trees will aid in the reduction of global warming.


Overall, this task has shown me that our planet is “ill.” The earth must be “healed” by humans. Humans have faced numerous challenges as a result of global warming, yet it is we humans who are to blame. Many people have perished as a result of sickness or natural calamity. Which also has an economic effect on the nation. However, we must lessen global warming by using less gasoline, recycling, and assisting humans in reducing global warming rather than increasing the earth’s climate. Our generations should begin to care for the environment because if we do not act to decrease global warming, the following generation will suffer. As a result, global warming has become a major concern. We are learning it as business students because we need to understand the impact of climate change on our businesses so that we can start preserving the planet.


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