What is causing Global warming and Climate change
What is causing Global warming and Climate change

What is causing Global warming and Climate change

Despite the fact that the terms “climate change” and “global warming” are often used identically, they have distinct meanings. Similarly, despite the fact that they refer to occurrences with drastically different spatial and temporal ranges, the terms “weather” and “climate” are occasionally used equally.

Climate vs. Weather

Weather is the term used to describe atmospheric circumstances locally over short periods of time, minutes, hours, and days are examples of time units. Common ones include rain, snowfall, clouds, winds, flooding, and thunderstorms.

The long-term regional or even worldwide average of temperature, humidity, and rainfall patterns throughout seasons, years, or decades is referred to as climate.

How Does Global Warming Affect Us?

Earth’s climate system warming of the Earth’s average surface temperature that has been observed as a result of human activities, primarily during the pre-industrial period (between 1850 and 1900), the combustion of fossil fuels, which raises heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere. The latter relates to both humanity and natural-caused warming, as well as the repercussions for our planet. The average increase in Earth’s global average temperature is the most frequent metric.

Human activities are thought to have elevated Earth’s global average temperature by around 1 degree Celsius (1.8 ° Fahrenheit) since the which was before period, a number that is currently Temperatures are rising at a 0.2 degree Celsius (0.36 ° F) per decades rate. Human activity has unmistakably warmed the climate, oceans, and land.

Climate Change: What & Why Does It Matter?

A lengthy change in the typical weather systems that have helped define Earth’s local, regional, and planetary climates is referred to as climate change. These changes have a broad range of consequences that are synonymous with the word.

Human activities, notably fossil fuel burning, have increased heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels in Earth’s atmosphere, elevating Earth’s average surface temperature, as seen in changes in the climate from the early twentieth century. The phrase “global warming” refers to temperature increases induced by mankind. Internal variability (e.g., cyclical ocean patterns like El Nia, La Nia, and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation) and external forcing (e.g., volcanic activity, changes in the Sun’s energy output, fluctuations in Earth’s orbit) can all contribute to climate change.

To monitor and research past, current, and future climate change, scientists employ data from the ground, air, and space, as well as theoretical models. Variations in the occurrence of extreme weather events; rising sea levels; ice loss at the poles and in glacial ice; and variations in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, events such as storms and heatwaves, forest fires, droughts, floods, and precipitation, and cloud and grasslands cover changes, to name a few, are all evidence of climate change key indicators.

What does it matter to me?

We all exist in the world and have an impact on it. Because the terms “global warming” and “climate change” are frequently used in the media to describe the consequences of burning fossil fuels and releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, it’s important to know what they mean.

In newspaper and television reportage, the terms “global warming” and “climate change” are frequently used interchangeably, yet they are two distinct concepts. The rise in global average temperature is referred to as global warming. Climate change refers to how the climate of different parts of the world varies over time, mostly as a result of rising global average temperatures and the resulting changes in the water cycle, ice cover on land and in the polar oceans, and land cover. Climate change can also occur naturally as a result of variations in the sunshine, mountain formation, and the migration of continents across the globe through time.

A rise in the global average temperature is referred to as “global warming.” The current world average temperature is 59 degrees Fahrenheit (15 degrees Celsius, 288 degrees Kelvin) and is expected to rise 3-7 degrees Fahrenheit (2-4 degrees Celsius, K) by 2100. The increase in greenhouse gases caused by the use of fossil fuels is widely accepted as causing or hastening this warming. The rise in global average temperature does not imply that the temperature will climb in the same way everywhere. It doesn’t even imply that the planet will become warmer in general. It simply indicates that the world average temperature is rising. That’s where the issue of climate change enters the picture.

Climate change is the term used to describe how climates throughout the world have changed over time. This could be attributable to a variety of factors, including the consequences of rising global average temperatures. Climate change entails not just a shift in temperature, but also a shift in global weather patterns, which could have an impact on precipitation averages and extremes. One effect of global warming, for example, could be that the northern section of the Northern Hemisphere warms up faster than the rest of the world. This is because rising temperatures are projected to melt massive polar ice fields, leaving darker open terrain in their place. The dark earth would absorb sunlight far faster than the reflective ice, resulting in intense heating. Other factors may cause certain areas to receive more rain, while others are more prone to have long-term droughts. The reduction in temperature differential from the equator to the poles could reduce winds and storm activity, but the higher temperatures would have more energy overall, so it’s unclear how this would affect general weather patterns.

“Global change” refers to the additional side effects of changing temperature and climate. Ecological changes, geological changes, sea-level rise, changes in ocean circulation and acidity, and societal repercussions are all examples of global change. These changes lead to a disruption in our “normal” or expected climate as a result of global warming, as well as the consequences for life and society.


Global temperature anomalies are depicted in the video below from 1880 to 2012. There is a cooling tendency from the late 1800s to the early 1900s, followed by another cooling trend in the mid-1950s. Beginning in the late 1900s and continuing into the 21st century, there has been a warming trend. Another thing to take away from this movie is the region in which the most warming has occurred (the poles), as well as where other locations have warmed over the previous century and it may continue to do so.

Getting used to a warmer, more unpredictably changing world

Glasgow is expected to experience more extreme weather, according to the report. It predicts higher winter rain and less summer rain, more increased temperatures, sea-level rise and coastal erosion, and a heightened risk of floods from rivers, surface water, and coastal flooding. It also mentions soil stocks, crops, cattle, and freshwater biodiversity as being at risk. Supply chain and distribution network disruption is another source of concern.

All of these dangers, it claims, might lead to an increase in unemployment and a widening of economic and social disparities. However, if Glasgow improves its climate resilience, it will be able to thrive in a new environment and seize new possibilities, according to the analysis.

This would necessitate measures such as adapting homes and offices for heatwaves, protecting highways and rail lines against floods, and planting 20 million trees to cool the city and reduce flood danger.

Apocalypse scenario

Another long-term effect of global warming that could have major ramifications for Glasgow is the disappearance of the Gulf Stream, or Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, as specialists call it (AMOC).

You inquire, ‘What is this?’ It’s a warm, salty water conveyor belt that runs from the Gulf of Mexico to the north-eastern Atlantic region. In Scotland and other parts of western and northern Europe, it has an impact on climate change, seasonal cycles, and temperature. For example, Glasgow has an average temp of 3°C (37.4°F) in January, whereas Moscow – was on the same latitude – has an average temperature of -7.9°C (17.8°F).

However, melting polar ice would dilute the salty seawater in the North Atlantic, potentially halting the ocean circulation engine. The Gulf Stream is losing stability, according to research, and is at its weakest in 1,000 years. If it were to collapse, it would have a significant influence on Scotland’s climate, as well as a drop in crop production, especially barley, the country’s main grain crop.

Barley is also a necessary component in the production of Scotch whisky. Whisper it quietly, but Glasgow residents are becoming aware that global warming is a serious problem that requires immediate attention.

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