How to play kabaddi

How to play kabaddi?

About how to play Kabaddi

In this article, you will learn about how to play Kabaddi. Kabaddi is the oldest and favorite game in India, this game was first time played in Tamil Nadu in India, and this game is becoming very popular among youngsters. Kabaddi is one of the games played by two teams. Each team has 7 players play on the field and 5 remain as the substitute, when a player gets hurt or is not fit to play, they replace them with the same substitute player who plays in his place. ‘In the field, there are 3 types of players positing in Kabaddi Raid, Defense, and All-rounder. Kabaddi is being played in India for many years, Kabaddi is a traditional Indian martial technique that teaches you how to protect yourself. Another benefit of this game is that it does not necessitate the purchase of expensive play equipment or the use of a vast playground. The main objective of this tutorial is to teach you how to play the basics of the game. The fundamentals and regulations of Kabaddi. this game is played with a lot of passion in India.

Measurements of the Kabaddi ground

In the field of players, the play is 13 meters long and 10 meters wide field, with a hall on either side of one meter each,  the ventral width remaining at 8 meters, and the ground has the same length of 13 meters, which is separated into two portions from the center 6.30 m – 6.30 m, known as the midline. There is a line and a bonus line on one of his meters, with a spacing of 1.75 meters between the bonus line and the finish line. Other locations are also placed at the same distance.

How many players are there in a Kabaddi team?

In Kabaddi, there is a total of 12 players in a team,  of which 7 players play on the ground and 5 players sit on the bench as a substitute. when a player gets hurt or is not fit to play, a substitute player plays in his place.

Guide to Kabaddi players

  • Players in Kabaddi are dressed in T-shirts and shorts.
  • Players in Kabaddi can play in Kabaddi shoes or without shoes and they also play on a Kabaddi mat or ground.
  • Kabaddi players wear kneecaps on their knees or elbows so that they do not get hurt and play well.

Types of Players

There are Three types of Kabaddi Players.

  1. Raider
  2. Defender
  3. All-Rounder


In Kabaddi, the raider is the one who goes to the other team by crossing the midline and when he crosses the mid line, then he has to say kabaddi kabaddi kabaddi, there are 7 players in the opposite team, the raider goes to that opposite team. And any of his players have to touch in any way and after touching he comes back to his team, then that raider’s team gets points, the number of players the raider will touch, he gets the same points. if the raider takes 3 or more points than it is called super raid. There are 3 Raiders in a team. 


The defender is the one who stops the raider from going back or the raider goes back to his side after touching any defender. So the job of the defender is to stop him and not let him go back. There are 4 defenders in a team, their position is in the right corner in the left corner, and left and right in the center.

All Rounder’s

All-rounders are those who have both raiding and defending skills. 

kabaddi Rules

  • There are 3 types of players in Kabaddi, Ride, Defense, All Rounder’s.
  • The time of a raid is 30 seconds if it is longer than that the raider is out and between this raid, that player keeps on talking Kabaddi-Kabaddi, if he stops speaking then he is out.
  • The Kabaddi Ground is 13 meters long and 10 meters wide.
  • it is divided into two equal sections (6.30 m – 6.30 m) with a lobby, bonus line, baulk line, and end line.
  • The lobby is of one miter, if the raider goes to that lobby without touching anyone or a defender goes to the lobby without a touch by the raider, then both of them are out.
  • In this, total 12 players are in a team, out of which 7 players play on the field, the rest 5 are in extras, along with one is their coach who teaches the whole team and makes them improve their skills and make them better.
  • divide the court properly, use lines and markings. (Boundary lines, Bonus Lines, Cross Line, Mid line)
  • If the player of a team who gets out first and the player of his team gets the point, then the player who is out first comes in the team first.
  • If the player of any team is all out, then the opposite team gets 2 points all out.
  • The player of the team does not revive from the bonus point, only the team gets the point.
  • Only one player can ride at a time, if 2 players go to raid, then the other team gets a technical point.
  • Bonus point is earned when there are 6 or 7 players in the defense team.
  • When a team has 3 players left or so and that team catches another team in defense, then the defense team gets 2 points of super tackle, one point out and these called super tackle.
  • If a player is raiding and the player of his team calls him back by making a sound from behind, then that referee gives a warning to that team.
  • There are a total of 6 referees in the whole match, 2 referees stay on the middle line and 2 referees stay on the end line and note the scoring and a timing. (Referee, Umpire, Scorer, Assistant Scorers)
  • The player who raids is required to cross the baulk line with one leg, if the player comes back without crossing it, he is considered out.
  • The timing of playing Kabaddi is 40 minutes in which players play 20 minutes, then 5 minutes break then play 20 minutes.
  • Each team has a different dress code to identify the players or team.

Substitute/Time Out in a Match

A team can take 3-time outs and take 5 substitutions

Bonus Points

Six players must’ve been available on the court, and when Raider passes the bonus line, he receives one point. When the raider is tackled, the defensive team get one point. There is no way to get additional points if you are out.

Empty Raid

when the raider goes to the raid and came back without a point this is called an empty raid.

Do-Or-Die Raid

A do or die ride is when the raider throws 2 empty raids in a row, then 3 raids are his do or die in which he has to bring a point, and if the raider does not take a point in the do or die then he is considered out.

All Out

When a team ejects all players from the other team, it is called all out, in which no player remains on the pitches, whoever eliminated that team, that team gets 2 points on all out.

Super Raid

When the Raider Goes to the Raid and Gets 3 or more points in one raid is called a super raid.

Super Tackle

When a team has approximately 3 players remaining and that team captures another defending team,

Court Change

When halftime is over then both teams change their sides/ Courts.

Extra Pointes

When the team is out another team will get 2 extra points of all out.

Technical Points

A technical point is awarded when 2 players go together for a raid and if a player or his coach argues with his referee or umpire or his decision is not accepted, then the referee or umpire gives a technical point to the other team.

Skills and Technics of Raiders/Defenders

Raiders Skill

  • Foot touch: –
  • Toe touch
  • Thrust
  • Squat leg
  • Kicks
  • Hand Touch
  • Fly jump
  • Back jump
  • Back kick
  • Dubki
  • Running Hand Touch


Defenders skills

  • Ankle Hold
  • Block
  • Double Thigh Hold
  • Dass
  • Back hold
  • Push


Match Duration

The timing of playing Kabaddi is 40 minutes in which players play 20 minutes, then 5 minutes break then play 20 minutes. There are a total of 6 referees in the whole match, 2 referees stay on the middle line and 2 referees stay on the end line and note the scoring and a timing. (Referee, Umpire, Scorer, Assistant Scorers)

Referee: – The job of the referee is to give warnings to a player for his wrong behaviour or wrong play and the referee can also change the decision of the umpire if he finds something wrong.

Umpire: – The decision of the umpire has to be accepted by all the players and the coach. Umpire’s decision is final.

Scorer: –  The scorer notes the score of the match in a file and also notes the time out.

Assistant Scorers: – The assistant scorer sees who is out and who will go into the first revive and who is not.

Kabaddi League\ tournaments

Many countries have their own governing organization’s that run national championships to select the best players to represent them in international events. The bulk of these international tournaments are held in Asian countries.

Pro Kabaddi League has started in India since 2014, due to which young players like to play by watching, it is a very good game in which the player does not have to buy anything, just having a ground, it can be played in it. Pro Kabaddi League is very popular in India. India has won all the Kabaddi World Cups played till date.

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